खाओ, डार्लिंग, खाने
Mangia, cara, mangia
Coma, querida, coma
Jedz, kochanie, jedz
Mothers and Daughters
Voices Past and Present
Stories and Recipes
Holiday Contest Guidelines

Win a $100 gift card from Williams Sonoma.
Send us a holiday story about you and your mother or daughter—and, of course, food. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Pancha Ganapati, Yalda, or Bodhi Day, tell us how the histories are honored, the cultures are remembered, the personalities are revealed. Submit your story (500 - 1000 words) with “Holiday Contest” in the subject line to: info@EatDarlingEat.net.
Original stories (not previously published) may be submitted from November 1 - 30, 2021. We'll get back to you with any questions or clarifications to make the stories shine, just as we always do, and the winner will be announced on December 3, 2021.
For inspiration, enjoy some past holiday favorites:
Messy But Irreplaceable: Whether wallets were padded or threadbare, Christmas celebrations reigned supreme.
Going Home: Christmas dinner includes light-as-a-feather rolls; the recipe is from “the white lady Mom used to work for.”
Miracles: In classic maternal selflessness, Mom never ate any of her delicate Hanukkah latkes herself until everyone else was served.
Tasting Ancestry: How dare those oyster infidels, a/k/a in-laws, change the holiday tradition?
Chaos and Sugar Cookies: Despite exhaustion and shell-shock, sweets must be baked, and Handel’s Messiah must be played.