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A Model DaughterEvie Hirschhorn
00:00 / 03:16
खाओ, डार्लिंग, खाने
Mangia, cara, mangia
Coma, querida, coma
Jedz, kochanie, jedz
Mothers and Daughters
Voices Past and Present
Stories and Recipes

Listen in on fascinating mothers and daughters, exploring the relationship that is essential to every woman—in every family, every culture, sweet or sour. And see how food helps explain who we are and how we got here. Send comments to
Kitchen CuranderaFelicia Cocotzin Ruiz
00:00 / 36:41
Journey Of A Thousand StepsNancy Yao Maasbach and Tina Yao
00:00 / 33:19
Queen of CakesSylvia Weinstock and Janet Isa
00:00 / 35:33
Mexican GeishaZarela Martinez
00:00 / 31:26
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