I saw Ms. Field at the Cheltenham Literary Festival (UK) talking about her memoir 'In Pieces'. This is a woman who has been a fixture in my life from the time she was Gidget to playing Mary Todd Lincoln. But like most celebrities I knew only what she wanted us to know. Her book is about finding her voice and learning to say no. It is also about incest, #metoo and her very conflicted relationship with her mother. She is unsparing in her honesty but neither is she a victim. I took her seven years to write it - I read it in one sitting. Powerful and honest.
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A Model DaughterEvie Hirschhorn
00:00 / 03:16
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It is more about the harmony and happiness of both sexes. Normal physiological needs can not be released and catharsis, daily life may appear cracks, serious may also lead to the breakdown of marriage, there are numerous examples in real life.